most fairly

美 [moʊst ˈferli]英 [məʊst ˈfeəli]
  • adv.公正地;(用以强调)简直,竟然;一定地;相当地;公平合理地
  • fairly的最高级
most fairlymost fairly
  1. Alas , most are fairly mediocre , as managing isn 't easy .


  2. Most views were fairly near the truth .


  3. Most people are fairly confident that the workers will win through am usually win out in the end .


  4. If they see a person on their own then most observers are fairly good as estimating that person 's age .


  5. This rally in equities , for example , took most markets from fairly valued at best to bubble territory in less than a year .


  6. It seems that most businesses have fairly similar requirements relating to the issues of sending data either between applications or between themselves and their trading partners .


  7. While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we 're getting from our diets , the facts tell a very different story .


  8. The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate .


  9. Most of them have fairly good education .


  10. But in practice most large stores have fairly flexible return policies , particularly at this time of year .


  11. Most arrive with a fairly simple mission : to customise existing products for the Chinese market .


  12. The development of Shanghai 's financial industry is most spectacular with a fairly large and influential system of financial market coming into shape .


  13. Most Western companies are fairly strict about employees wearing the proper business attire and presenting themselves in a professional way .


  14. But while they are worried about the slowing export growth , most German companies remain fairly relaxed about the future .


  15. The genes that control the stress response keep most people on a fairly even keel , only occasionally priming the body for fight or flight .


  16. I had a few reld-tionships at college , most of which were fairly short-lived .


  17. The fdisk family , which ships as part of the util-linux-ng package on most distributions , enables fairly direct editing of MBR data structures , but it cannot create or modify file systems .


  18. And third , though the white armies advance separately , most of them keep fairly close to one another , and if we fail to gain a quick decision in attacking one of them , all the others will converge upon us .
